Our Approach

Empowering the next generation to build a strong commitment to Israel is one of JUF’s top priorities.

JUF’s Israel Education Center (IEC) is a national resource for positive Israel-related programming, internships, and engagement. We have developed multiple strategies and resources to ensure that a committed, knowledgeable generation will emerge from college with Israel at the heart of their Jewish identity.

IEC professionals merge a strong skill set and deep understanding of today’s campus environment.  We are sensitive to academic values and each university’s unique challenges. When anti-Israel activity comes to campus, IEC professionals are on-the-ground and are available around-the-clock to assist students with campaign messaging, coalition building, and other strategic activities to counter BDS and other anti-Israel movements.

IEC is part of JUF’s Department of Campus Affairs and Student Engagement. We work closely with Hillels across the Midwest to provide Jewish students and Hillel professionals with the most effective strategies to combat delegitmization, anti-Israel activity, and the BDS movement.

Students and their best interests are always at the center of our work. Rather than pushing a single agenda, IEC works with multiple perspectives to ensure a pluralistic understanding of Israel.

"The resources from the IEC are invaluable. If they hadn’t reached out to me and to my campus, no one would know about Israel."

— Israel Intern

Real Stories. Changed Lives.

Highlights of personal stories and lives impacted by the opportunities offered through JUF's Israel Education Center. Read the Blog.

Ask an Israel Educator.

Got questions? Get answers here. Find out more about the IEC and ways to connect with Israel. Email IEC.

Funding Request Form

If you would like to initiate a campus program about Israel, apply for funding here.