I'm so proud and feel so fortunate to be a part of Chicago's young Jewish community—it's such a vibrant and diverse place with so many opportunities for involvement and so many amazing people doing incredibly amazing things.
With this in mind, last summer we launched Double Chai in the Chi: Chicago's first annual Jewish 36 under 36 list, and saw firsthand the great work young Jews are doing in Chicago—they are truly making a difference in all kinds of innovative ways.
A joint project of Oy!Chicago (www.oychicago.com) and JUF's Young Leadership Division (YLD), last year's inaugural list showcased that Chicago is full of young Jewish leaders, humanitarians, educators and social activists striving to make the world a better place.
Nominations are now underway for Chicago's second annual Jewish 36 under 36 list and we at JUF News and Oy!Chicago are super excited about this initiative and we want to make sure you all know about it!
I think what I like most about the 36 under 36 list is that it gives us a moment to reflect on all the great work and even greater people we have right here in our own community. With so much work to be done, we seldom stop to recognize the amazing people who make things happen and who are changing our world for the better. When we step back and look at last year's list, it's clear that the future of Chicago's Jewish community is in good hands, and I know this year's list will be no exception.
We are still accepting nominations through Tuesday, May 28, so I encourage all of you to think about who you want to see on this list and nominate away!
Call for nominations for Chicago's second annual Jewish 36 under 36 list!
We want YOU, the young leaders, humanitarians, educators, social activists, and movers and shakers of Chicago to be part of Double Chai in the Chi: Chicago's second annual Jewish 36 under 36 list.
Presented by YLD and Oy!Chicago, this venture will shine a spotlight on the faces of Chicago's Jewish future and recognize the amazing contributions of our generation.
What we're looking for:
People who are making a difference through their work, who give back in their free time, are entrepreneurs, innovators, leaders within the Jewish community, or just Jews we should know.
Nominate an extraordinary Jew you know to be a part of Chicago's second annual Jewish 36 under 36 list. Winners will be announced and profiled July 16 on Oy!Chicago and highlighted at YLD's WYLD party on August 8.
How to apply:
To submit your nomination, please complete the application form and email it to DoubleChai@oychicago.com by noon on Tuesday, May 28.
For updates and to find out how you can be the first to see who makes the list, sign up to be a JUF Superstar and "like" YLD on Facebook.