JUF Young Families Celebrates the Magic of Chanukah!

We have reached capacity for our Magic of Chanukah event. If you would like to attend the Illumination Lights Festival, check https://mortonarb.org/explore/activities/exhibitions/illumination/ to see if tickets remain for December 18th. We will be offering a free community Chanukah candle-lighting and blessings at 5:30pm for those who are unable to purchase tickets to the Magic of Chanukah. Simply email youngfamilies@juf.org to RSVP and to get more information.

For more information, please contact Dara Cameron at 312-357-4905 or daracameron@juf.org. We hope to see you there!


Celebrate the lights, sounds and miracle of Chanukah at the Morton Arboretum’s annual Illumination festival.

Families will enjoy our special indoor Chanukah magic show, take a selfie with Judah Maccabee, sing the Chanukah blessings, and experience the one-mile paved walking path of the Illumination lights festival.

Ticket price is "per family" and includes admission to the Illumination lights festival and to all of our Chanukah programming.


Sunday, December 18, 2022
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM


Morton Arboretum
4100 IL-53 Lisle, IL 60532


$36.00 per/family


Dara Cameron at daracameron@juf.org or at 312-357-4905.